Chiara Garattini
Data Service Directorate at NHS DigitalChiara is an experienced design and research specialist working since 2009 to ensure products and services in technology and health are designed with people at their centre. For the past 4 years she has been doing this within the context of the UK Government Digital Services and the National Health Service.
Being user centred in complex healthcare systems
In this talk, I will provide an overview of how we do user-centred design and research in the context of the UK government and the National Healthcare Service (NHS). I will describe the main professions and specialisms we organise ourselves in, what our processes and standards are, and why we work in this way when developing and improving national digital services.
I will conclude by talking through an example of our work, discussing why different types of user research methods and breadth of techniques are necessary for designing and testing services that effectively cater for both professional and public users in a complex healthcare system.