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Hannah Baker

Co-founder and Facilitator,
The Fountain Institute

Hannah Baker, co-founder of Fountain Institute, is a seasoned digital design expert with 15+ years of experience creating engaging learning experiences. With a Master in Education focused on Visual Thinking Strategies, she is a facilitation expert passionate about empowering individuals. Hannah’s insights have helped countless individuals enhance their facilitation, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. She is committed to helping others unlock their full potential.


How to Lead with Facilitation

How can facilitation make me a design leader?

The world is just waking up to the power of design, and designers are poised to become leaders in every kind of organization. But the skills that made you good at design won’t make you good at design leadership. It’s not about you anymore. It’s about the whole team.

Design facilitators guide others to experience good design firsthand. They increase the design skills of everyone around them by energizing and including everyone.

Learning facilitation skills is the perfect way to start becoming a leader. And you don’t even have to stand in the spotlight to do it.


Facilitating Design Workshops (3-4 hours)

  • November 22, 2023 at 10:00
  • Estonian Academy of Arts, Põhja puiestee 7 (room A501), Tallinn, Estonia

Learn how to master facilitating, one of the most valuable skills for a UX designer. Gain the expertise to design creative working sessions, lead collaborative work, and fine-tune your facilitation skills. With techniques for effectively facilitating diverse groups through research and problem discovery, you’ll learn how to design custom workshops for users and your team and become a confident design leader in leading projects and meetings.

  • Workshop length – half-day
  • Participation possible – on-site
  • Maximum participants at the workshop – 20


268.4€ with VAT

