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Tanel Kärp

Head of Curriculum, Ineraction Design,
The Estonian Academy of Arts

Tanel is an interaction designer, consultant, educator, and the head of the Interaction Design Master’s program at the Estonian Academy of Arts. With over 20 years of experience in the field and two academic degrees in design, his career has mostly focused on digital experience design and social innovation, working with partners from all sectors of Estonia and abroad, and launching several initiatives of his own. Having taught experience design for over a decade in major universities in Estonia, a sizeable number of local practitioners have been to his courses and lectures.

As a design generalist with a clear focus on humans, technology, and sustainability, Tanel’s approach is both strategic and creative. He combines empathy building, critical thinking, and methodological know-how to help develop human and planet-friendly products, services, and systems and facilitate sustainable transformation in complex organizations.


Sustainability in Practice—Nudging sustainable behavior (3 hours)

  • November 21, 2023 at 10:00
  • Estonian Academy of Arts, Põhja puiestee 7 (room A501), Tallinn, Estonia

Our world is on the brink. As the threats of climate change escalate, it challenges our usual comforts. But what if, as designers, we hold a key to fostering more sustainable lifestyles?

Enter the vast realm of digital design where every design decision can subtly shift user behaviors, often unnoticed. Many of us, unaware, possess this potent influence, overlooking the profound responsibility that accompanies it. Astoundingly, nearly 80% of a product’s environmental impact is determined during its design phase. What if we could channel this power not just for user engagement, but for the planet’s well-being?

Who Is This For?
Whether you’re an analyst, manager, product owner, architect, UX specialist, visual designer, developer, or anyone shaping a product’s functionality and aesthetics, this workshop is for you.

What We’ll Explore:

  • Dive into the foundation of behavior design, understanding its ethical implications, including both its altruistic uses and darker manipulations.
  • Familiarize yourself with tried-and-true frameworks and tools, empowering you to analyze and intentionally craft user behaviors.
  • Roll up your sleeves: Apply your newfound knowledge to embed sustainable nudges within your own products or services.

Join us in wielding our design influence responsibly, merging ethics with innovation. Together, let’s create products that not only engage but also foster a more sustainable world.

  • Workshop length – half-day
  • Participation possible – on-site
  • Maximum participants at the workshop – 16
  • Workshop profile – lecture + group work + discussion
  • Length – 3h


268.4€ with VAT

