Tomasz Pieta
Lead UX designer at BOOKING.COMTomasz Pieta has 10+ years hands-on experience with web development for cloud applications and e-commerce. For the past 4 years he’s been a senior UX designer at BOOKING.COM. He has participated in global user research studies measuring how culture impacts UX. He is using User Experience methodologies from Storyboards, Customer Journeys, Visitors Flow, Use Cases, Sketching and Wireframes to create and A/B different user interfaces. Informed by data, he drives initiatives for Payments by Booking to offer a seamless checkout experience for a global marketplace.
Data driven UX in the dark
Data driven alone, is not an approach that blindly leads to success! A/B testing will not tell you why your customers have a different behavior in every country or product they purchase. How many customer journeys do you need to have when offering a borderless product? Winning the trust of your customers is the key. Let’s talk about the things we learnt.
Go beyond the bounce rate – design for business impact
- 23.Nov 10:00-14:00
- Vivistop Telliskivi
I will bring 5 cases studies of online business models and present how those companies make money. By the end of the workshop the audience will be able to create custom tracking on aspects of the business that matters the most. They will be able to present and discuss their findings with C level people in the business. Most of all they will learn how to prioritise business when needed opposed to thinking only the user.
We will deep dive into:
- How to properly track your business
- How to identify opportunities in data
- Prepare to talk the business language with the relevant stake holders.
Workshops takes place in VIVISTOP Telliskivi
Address is Telliskivi 60a/5 in Telliskivi Creative City (Telliskivi Loomelinnak) next to Lamuu Iceacream shop
€180 (no tax will be added)€
0€ with VAT
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